The one of the things that comes up over and over again, both in my email newsletter but also so here on my website, is the people feel they are having a conversation with sexy women on adult date, they are starting off and everything seems to be going fine and then after about 30 seconds things sort of dizzle out.
The interest seems to just disappear, the girl gets more and more kind of empty looking, her responses get shorter. You yourself interestingly enough may start to feel bored with your own conversation.
You are starting to wonder what can I talk about, what is that I need to talk about in order to make this fun and exciting.
Now you would be surprised what the reason for this actually is.
It is something different, it is not that you are just boring person or that you do not have the right topics to talk about or that somehow there is something wrong with me, it is not that at all.
It is something else, usually it is the problem that you are trying to do something that seems to be making a lot of sense which a lot of other people seem to be doing as well and that is trying to say the right thing.
You are trying to say the right thing and that is the problem.
The second you say what you feel you should say or trying to say this right thing, you are going to be saying things which girls have heard many times before.
What happens when you hear things that you have heard many times before. Well you respond automatically.
It is a bit like if I asked you right now, so where you from and you go into your general routine of explaining to me where you are from.
I mean I already knew I was grown inside when somebody asked me so.
“Oh, you are from Germany so where are you from”. Because I already know what I am going to say.
Well I am going to say “I am from this small town north of Berlin and you have probably never heard of it, it is called Neustrelitz and it is somewhere between the sea and the Berlin, in the former East Germany”.
And then people will be like: “Oh, I do not know where that is” and I will go “Well. somewhere near Berlin”.
They go: “Yeah I have been to Berlin”.
Right? That is what happens every time when I do that on my dates. So that is what a woman’s mind will go through when you ask her the kind of questions that you think you should ask.
You know when you are trying to say the right thing, when you are saying the kind of things that you think you should say in order to make the conversation work.
Do you understand what I am saying? There are many phrases, questions, sentences like that.
For example if you take a few questions like what is your name or where are you from or what you do for a living.
You know we can ask these really conventional questions all day long and you know what, nothing happens in her brain apart from “Ok… I am going to give my standard response because that is what I am condition to do because every time somebody asks me that question, I have got used to responding like this.
And then I usually get that response from them and blah blah blah.”
So it is not stimulating at all.
So what is a way to turn this around and stimulate the woman’s brain any time you speak to her.
Would that be cool to know.
Well I have a very simple concept for this. I call it say it differently.
Say It Differently
So you say it differently and that is what it means. Look there are many things that may be repetitive, that you know in a normal conversation if you are talking to a girl for the first time when you are on an adult date with a girl.
I mean heaven forbid if you are in a relationship with a girl that will be many things that you will repeat and there will be many little, small things you will say over and over again.
So what I am challenging you to do is do this, say it differently because when you something differently in a way that she has never heard before, in a way that she has not heard you say yesterday, in a way that she has never had anybody say it.
Her mind will be stimulated and she will be like: “Oh. What is happening here. This guy is different. He is saying something different”.
Even if you are not saying something mind blowing amazing like something really simple, it still stimulates the mind and it still makes her respond to you in a more immediate way.
So I will give you for an example, so maybe you can play along with me.
If you are normally ask her: “So, what is your name?”, how could you say that differently?
That is right, you have already come up with a few things in your mind.
What did your mother call you, so what should I call you, you got a nickname. These are a three versions that you can say differently right.
There is 50 billion other ways of saying this.
If you are tempted to ask her where she is from because she looks exotic or she is like this or like that.
Can you come up with a few ways of saying that differently.
Well, you have just done it in your mind, right?
Anything that is basic, simple, say it differently.
Now do not get obsessed about this, so do not beat yourself up if you say something simple as well but you break it off. Make it easy for yourself, make it entertaining for yourself, make it stimulating for yourself.
You know one of the worst things about this is, many guys that work so hard they are thinking: “Oh, I have to do this right” and then they are trying to basically fall into the conventions that everybody else does and that is death, ok?
That is the death of fun, playfulness.
So by just focusing on saying it differently and keep constantly challenging yourself to not say the boring thing. You are going to make a giant step in the right direction of being a much more interesting guy to talk to.
All right, do you know what I mean. Well if you do then share this post with your friends and check out my other articles on the adult sex dating.
In the meantime let me know what you think of this. Say it differently and when you put your comment on this post, say it differently man, ok?
Take care.
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